Scientific Evidence
Tamarack Mines
In the Fall of 1901 an experiment was being conducted that had never been done, and it would change the way keen observers would view the world forever. In a Michigan mine shaft two cables were hung side by side a mile and a half long, steadied with plumb bobs. Conventional thinking would have it that the bottom of the lines would measure closer together, affirming the common belief that the center of gravity is down and earth is a ball.
To the dismay of chief engineer J.B. Watson, the measurement between the bottom of the lines was farther apart, reaffirming what a four and a half mile geodetic survey discovered less than a decade before - that earth's surface is spherical concave, not convex.

Rectilineator Geodetic Survey
That's right. The only geodetic test that's ever been built to determine the shape of earth's surface, determined it to be concave. This was called the rectilineator, and it was built by Cyrus Teed, geodeticist Ulysses Morrow and a team, across Naples Beach Florida in 1897. Naysayers excuse this survey as flawed, claiming the beams must have been sagging. These are bold faced lies or extreme denialism, because not only did the team regularly check for sagging beams, the math itself from the survey matched previous distance calculations of earth's circumference at approximately 25,000 miles. Logically had the test been flawed and the beams sagging, the survey's math would have calculated a much smaller circumference in error. This is why the rectilineator is absolute conclusive evidence that earth's surface is spherical concave, not convex. We will soon build another, but this time the results will be Live and worldwide.

The Importance of Demonstrable Science
Tesla said with science there tends to be many deep thinkers yet not so many clear thinkers. This is why demonstrable science is so important to actually learn what it is one is looking at and thus basing their extended ideas upon. Otherwise it's easy to let the mind run off on ideas that have no basis in a factual starting point.
It isn't enough to hypothesize, even if there's a ton of math that goes along with a theory. If something is not demonstrated with real time experiments and observations it might as well be elaborate guesswork backed by fancy words and a wealthy societal authority.
What comes next are more experimental and observational evidences that both disprove heliocentric theory, as well as prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that we live inside a sphere, not on top of one. If you don't think you can psychologically handle this truth it's understandable considering the sheer amount of programming we've all undergone in being convinced of something hugely unscientific and to be candid, quite ridiculous when one begins to grasp the science we're going to cover.
How the Seasons Work
Firstly, the biggest and most glaring evidence against heliocentrism, is that if we're circling a large central sun, and every six months we're on the opposite side of it, the night sky and star constellations should logically change. It doesn't. All year round we see the same star globe, because the stars are a celestial, rotating 'globe' in the sky. Below is a video diagram showing what is occurring throughout the annual seasons.
Our Eyes "Lie", Because Light Bends
A valid question is why then can we not see the inclined curvature, and also how are we witnessing a sun 'set' if it's just going around a celestial sphere in the sky? This is because we are very, very small and this world is very, very big. Also, because light bends.

Yet We Still See the Incline...
Although we do not noticeably see an incline with the naked eye, the distance at which objects can be seen without fog far exceeds what makes logical sense on a ball that dips 8 inches squared per mile. Try this yourself, put 20 miles into the official 'Earth Curve Calculator'. At 8 feet elevation the 'target hidden height' is 182 feet, meaning something like a boat, ship or buoy, even ones that tower over 50 feet high, should be blocked by more than one hundred feet of convex curvature.
This isn't even close to what we actually see. To the contrary, with newer high zoom cameras people everywhere are recording objects, including land and water lines, dozens of feet raised over the initial horizon line, from 20 plus miles away. This has been excused by mainstream scientists as a "rare superior mirage" called "fata morgana", however it is typical, not rare or unusual.
(update add on 6/11/21) The definition has even changed since originally posting this years ago; it is no longer defined as "rare and unusual". The cognitive dissonance has increased in tandem among heliocentric believers, since they are now admitting rare conditions are not causing this 'phenomenon'.

Sonoluminescence: WHY it's Concave
The production of light from sound in water was initially discovered in 1934 during sonar work at the University of Cologne. The affect was eventually named 'sonoluminescence'. The typical sonoluminescence experiment is called a 'Star in a Jar', as the affect of the lit up bubble resembles that of a twinkling star. Until this discovery popular science had stars pegged as distant burning nuclear suns in a vast, mostly empty 'vacuum' of 'space'. Oh how quickly things change!
Now the societal authorities don't know what to tell people, and in the mainstream have just doubled down on fallacies that sonoluminescence brings to surface. Namely that space cannot be a vacuum of empty space, but is in fact water based. The other anomaly that arises from the discovery of light's creation via sound frequency in water, is how gravity is actually created. The outward permeation of the sonoluminescent bubble naturally pushes impurities in the water against the inside edge, which aligns with previously tested and affirmed assertions that it's the downward push of aether (from a central point above) that gives us 'gravity', not mass.

Magnetic Levitation Experiments
Going back to the importance of demonstrable science over theoretical science, there are zero demonstrable 'solar system' experiments that replicate the heliocentric model on which we were sold. The same cannot be said about sonoluminescence and magnetic levitation experiments, which match up with cellular cosmology. Sonoluminescence replicates in small scale an enclosed system from which light is permeated from the center, and even forms into a singular point that resembles our solar sun. Magnetic experiments with a central, levitating sphere - as can be seen in the videos below - demonstrate how a 'cellular cosmology' may function in microcosm, whereby the central celestial sphere rotates in between the north and south poles.

High Altitude Observation of Concavity
Prior to the altitude restrictions of hot air balloons after the advent of aviation, in the 19th century air balloonists went one to two miles high. Never since has the human eye observed the earth from this perspective without a window or fish eye camera lens. Can you guess what people were saying about earth's appearance from that height? The following quotes are testimonies.
“The apparent concavity of the earth as seen from a balloon. – A perfectly-formed circle encompassed the visibly; planisphere beneath, or rather the concavo-sphere it might now be called, for I had attained a height from which the earth assumed a regularly hollowed or concave appearance – an optical illusion which increases as you recede from it. At the greatest elevation I attained, which was about a mile-and-a-half, the appearance of the world around me assumed a shape or form like that which is made by placing two watch glasses together by their edges, the balloon apparently in the central cavity all the time of its flight at that elevation.” – Wise’s Aëronautics
“Another curious effect of the aërial ascent was that the earth, when we were at our greatest altitude, positively appeared concave, looking like a huge dark bowl, rather than the convex sphere such as we naturally expect to see it… The horizon always appears to be on a level with our eye, and seems to rise as we rise, until at length the elevation of the circular boundary line of the sight becomes so marked that the earth assumes the anomalous appearance as we have said of a concave rather than a convex body.” – Mayhew’s Great World of London
“The chief peculiarity of a view from a balloon at a consider-able elevation, was the altitude of the horizon, which remained practically on a level with the eye, at an elevation of two miles, causing the surface of the earth to appear concave instead of convex, and to recede during the rapid ascent, whilst the horizon and the balloon seemed to be stationary.” – London Journal, July 18th, 1857
“I don’t know that I ever hinted heretofore that the aëronaut may well be the most skeptical man about the rotundity of the earth. Philosophy imposes the truth upon us; but the view of the earth from the elevation of a balloon is that of an immense terrestrial basin, the deeper part of which is that directly under one’s feet. As we ascend, the earth beneath us seems to recede–actually to sink away – while the horizon gradually and gracefully lifts a diversified slope, stretching away farther and farther to a line that, at the highest elevation, seems to close with the sky. Thus, upon a clear day, the aëronaut feels as if suspended at about an equal distance between the vast blue oceanic concave above and the equally expanded terrestrial basin below.” – Mr. Elliott, an American balloon aëronaut, in a letter giving an account of his ascension from Baltimore.
“The plane of the earth offers another delusion to the traveler in air, to whom it appears as a concave surface, and who surveys the line of the horizon as an unbroken circle, rising up, in relation to the hollow of the concave hemisphere, like the rim of a shallow inverted watch-glass, to the height of the eye of the observer, how high soever he may be–the blue atmosphere above closing over it like the corresponding hemisphere reversed.” – Glaisher’s Report, in “Leisure Hour,” for May 21, 1864.
Fluid Dynamics
In physics there's a discipline called fluid dynamics that describes the flow of fluids - liquids and gases. 7 years ago the UCLA Earth and Space Sciences 'Spinlab' replicated how swirling vortices in weather systems are formed in an experiment with a stationary table and rotating fluid dispenser, vs a rotating table with a stationary fluid dispenser. The 'stationary table, rotating fluid dispenser' example mimicked the way earth's weather system behaves, with vortices that move across the surface and dissipate. The rotating table example mimicked the way we were shown the planets' atmospheres' behave, with consistent ribbons of atmosphere that wrap around, and ongoing vortices that do not move from their relative location. This experiment suggests weather patterns come from a moving sky, in relation to an either stationary or relatively slower moving floor. This discovery is one more feather in the cap for cellular cosmology, and aligns with our own awareness of seeing the sky in motion every day and night, just as it appears.
Light Reflection Dynamics
Last but not least, the reflection of light off of a concave surface differs from a convex surface, insofar as it's elongated and a bit blotchy, compared to the almost perfect round glint of light that's seen from a convex surface. On large bodies of water the sun's reflection is elongated and a bit blotchy, indicating once again the concavity of the surface of our world.